
My Blog Is Now On Medium!

Goodbye I've graduated from my old blog! Check out my new content on my Medium Profile . It's been real Blogspot, but it's time for me to move forward. For those who have been here from the start, thank you for the support! It's been a quick two years working on my writing and researching skills. Can't wait to see you on Medium! As always, Until next time.

Consistency : The Key to Success

As promised, I have been shifting my blog over to Medium. Here's my most recent article! Consistency : The Key to Success I'll soon be ditching this blog completely. It's original purpose was to keep me up to date with technology, but I'm now shifting the purpose of my blog to focus on my writing (in addition to reporting the technologies and topics that I discover with my personal research). I think the Medium platform is a better 'medium' for this new direction! Until then, thanks for being here and enjoy!

Changing the Engineers Mindset : From How to Why

I am in the process of shifting my blog over to Medium, so bear with me through this transition! My first Medium article is officially published, so check it out here! Changing the Engineers Mindset : From How to Why

The GDPR : Our Love/Hate Relationship

If the Safe Harbor Act and the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield are pawns in the world of global data regulation, the GDPR is without a doubt the king. Since its recent inception on May 25th 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is already the most transformative attempt to globally regulate data privacy. This regulation was built upon the 95/46/EC Directive that has been long-standing in the EU, and is meant to act as a single set of laws across all 28 EU member states. However, “its intended reach does not stop there.. In principle, this now affects all organizations who may have operations on the continent or are handling EU citizens’ data regardless if they are actually headquartered there or not.” [ GDPR: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ] Although this Regulation is too new to be used as a case study for historical attempts at unification, we can discuss the ethical implications (good and bad) that follow such an avant-garde piece of legislation. The Good First, the

An Introduction to Ethical Data Science

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. The 'Big' Picture Big data. In the last decade, these words have evolved from just an idea to a casually and commonly used phrase. Big data surrounds us in every google search we make, every button we click on the internet, and every online interaction we have. It has become so vastly intertwined in daily human interaction, and yet most of the time we don’t even realize it is there. Moreover, most people don’t really even understand what it is. So, what is big data? Definitions for big data usually involve the “3V’s”: volume, velocity, and variety. In this sense, it is just a large collection of up-to-date information about anything. Today, we are lucky that that it can also be processed with relative technological ease. Now that most data is stored on a computer, gaining access to and drawing insights from large datasets is easier than ever before. With access to this data, scientists and statisticians can now draw c

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do I want to be when I grow up? I remember asking myself this when I was younger. In 4th grade, my answer was an astronomer. In 11th grade it was a music teacher. Now... I have grown up. And I still don't know what I want to be. When you are you are younger, it's easy to picture an idealistic version of yourself at 21 years old with everything figured out. I always assumed that in my fourth year of college I would be preparing to graduate, incredibly skilled in one specialty of Software Engineering (some buzzword like Artificial Intelligence), and ready to dive immediately into a job at a big company like Google. Alright, so here I am. I'm 21 years old, I'm not graduating this year, I'm taking a quarter off next year to travel (and hopefully teach!), and I honestly haven't found my passion in my field yet. I've done web development since I started coding, but I think that I was so afraid of getting trapped in the web dev world that I never allow

My Grace Hopper Thoughts

Greetings fellow tech enthusiasts, hungry readers, and beautiful people! This post is a bit overdue but nonetheless necessary because four weeks ago I had the incredible opportunity to go to the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Technology (GHC)! For those who don't know what Grace Hopper is, I've compiled some of my favorite pictured memories from the week to give an insider look on the event. Before the kickoff Keynote on GHC Day 1. Such inspiring talks! (12,000+ women in tech were in this room). A snapshot of the INSANELY HUGE 3 day career fair -  with more free swag than you could ever imagine. Before the GoDaddy company dinner at Universal! The final dance party / celebration that felt like a music festival. Someone asked me what Grace Hopper was the other day and I literally told them it's the "Coachella of career fairs" - I should trademark that. The squad of awesome girls that I spent most o